500 Engineer Trainees in Bharat Heavy Electronics Ltd (BHEL)

Bharat Heavy Electronics Limited (BHEL) invites Online Application from Graduate Engineers and for recruitment of 500 Engineer Trainees throughGATE-2013. Candidates need to apply Online in the month of January 2013 at the BHEL website only after registration in GATE-2013.
The details are as mentioned below:
Name of the Post: Engineer Trainee
Total number of vacancies : 500 Posts (Mechanical - 300, Electrical - 150, Electronics - 50),Stipend : Rs. 20600/- in the training period and will be absorbed as Engineer in the Pay Scale of Rs. 24900 - 50500/-, Age : 27 years for Graduate Engineers and 29 years for PG in Engineering as on01/08/2012.
GATE : Candidates need to apply for GATE-2013 and get GATE registration number from 01/09/2012to 30/09/2012. The GATE will be conducted on 10/02/2013 in offline mode and on 20/01/2013 online. For more information and online submission of GATE application, please visit the following Linkshttp://iitd.ac.in/gate, http://www.gate.iisc.ernet.in, http://www.gate.iitb.ac.in, http://www.iitg.ernet.in/gate ,http://www.iitk.ac.in/gate, http://gate.iitkgp.ac.in and http://gate.iitm.ac.in
Application Fee : Rs.100/- for Engieer Trainee to be paid in the SBI throughout the country by prescribed challan only. (SC/ST/PH candidates are exempted from the fee)
How to Apply : Candidates need to apply online in the month of January 2013 at the BHEL website only after registration in GATE-2013. For more details please visit