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Vehicle rent limit enhanced

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വെരിഫിക്കേഷന് സര്ട്ടിഫിക്കറ്റ് സേവനപുസ്തകത്തില് പതിവ് രേഖപ്പെടുത്തണം
പി.എസ്.സി. നിയമനങ്ങളിലും പോലീസ് വെരിഫിക്കേഷന് റിപ്പോര്ട്ടിനു പുറമെ
പി.എസ്.സിയുടെ വെരിഫിക്കേഷന് റിപ്പോര്ട്ടുകൂടി വാങ്ങിയതിനുശേഷമേ
നിയമനങ്ങള് റഗുലറൈസ് ചെയ്യാവൂ എന്ന നിര്ദ്ദേശം പുറപ്പെടുവിച്ചിരുന്നു.
ഇപ്രകാരം പി.എസ്.സി. നല്കുന്ന വെരിഫിക്കേഷന് സര്ട്ടിഫിക്കറ്റ്
നിയമനാധികാരി ജീവനക്കാരന്റെ സര്വ്വീസ് ബുക്കില് പതിച്ചു സൂക്ഷിക്കേണ്ടത്
സംബന്ധിച്ച് പി.എസ്.സി. സ്പഷ്ടീകരണം ആവശ്യപ്പെട്ടിരുന്നു. വെരിഫിക്കേഷന്
സര്ട്ടിഫിക്കറ്റിന്റെ പ്രാധാന്യം കണക്കിലെടുത്ത് പി.എസ്.സി. നടത്തുന്ന
സര്വ്വീസ് വെരിഫിക്കേഷനുശേഷം ജീവനക്കാരന് ലഭിക്കുന്ന വെരിഫിക്കേഷന്
സര്ട്ടിഫിക്കറ്റ് ജീവനക്കാരന്റെ സേവന പുസ്തകത്തില് പതിച്ച്
സൂക്ഷിക്കേണ്ടതും വെരിഫിക്കേഷന് സര്ട്ടിഫിക്കറ്റിലെ വിശദാംശങ്ങള്
സേവനപുസ്തകത്തില് രേഖപ്പെടുത്തി നിയമനാധികാരി അത്
സാക്ഷ്യപ്പെടുത്തേണ്ടതുമാണെന്ന് ഉത്തരവായി.
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XII Plan formation Forms finalised
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Click here to view revised schedule for plan approval
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Service Verification absence will be duty
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പെന്ഷന് പ്രായം 56 ആക്കികൊണ്ടുള്ള ഉത്തരവ്
GO(P)No 421-2012-Fin Dated 28-07-2012
(Download:Government Orders/2012 G.O INDEX)
Kerala Service Rules-Enhancement of age of retirement-Re option for fixation of pay under Rule 28A Part I,KSRs ...
Pay and Allowances Revised
Kerala Institute of Labour and Employment (KILE)
have revised the pay and allowances of the staff of Kerala Institute of
Labour and Employment (KILE). For details view
Vegetable and Fruit Promotion Council Keralam (VFPCK)
have revised the pay and allowances of the staff of Vegetable and Fruit
Promotion Council Keralam (VFPCK). For details view
Kerala State Institute for Childrens Literature
have revised the pay and allowances of the staff of Kerala State
Institute for Childrens Literature. For details view
Tourists Resorts (Kerala) Limited
Government have revised the pay and allowances of the staff of Tourists Resorts (Kerala) Limited. For details view
Government have revised the pay and allowances of the staff of Matsyafed.For details view
RTI Bare act Click here
Provident Fund- Rate of Interest on Deposits in General Provident Fund(
Kerala) and other provident funds for the Financial year 2012-13 has
been fixed to 8.8 %
Download GO(P)No 359/2012/Fin Dated 29/06 /2012 for more details.
Dearness Allowance Orders
Download This Table
Date on which payable | Rate | Arrears Credited From | Arrears Credited To | Withdrawal | No ad Date of G.O. | |
1 | 1/7/1999 | 37 | 7/99 | 8/02 | 1/9/07 | G.O.(P) 375/02/Fin Dt.13/6/02 |
2 | 1/1/2000 | 38 | 1/2000 | 8/02 | " | " |
3 | 1/7/2000 | 41 | 7/2000 | 6/03 | 1/6/08 | G.O.(P)228/03/Fin Dt.21/4/03 |
4 | 1/1/2001 | 43 | 1/2001 | 6/03 | " | " |
5 | 1/7/2002 | 45 | 7/2001 | 12/03 | 31/12/08 | G.O.(P)669/03/Fin Dt.20/12/03 |
6 | 1/1/2002 | 49 | 1/2002 | 12/03 | " | " |
7 | 1/7/2002 | 52 | 7/2002 | 8/04 | 30/6/09 | G.O.(P)390/04 Fin Dt.25/8/04 |
8 | 1/1/2003 | 55 | 1/2003 | 11/04 | " | " |
9 | 1/7/2003 | 59 | 7/2003 | 2/05 | " | " |
10 | 1/1/2004 | 61 | 1/2004 | 11/05 | 30/11/08 | G.O.(P)541/2005 Fin Dt.17/12/05 |
11 | 1/7/2004 | 64 | 7/2004 | 1/06 | 30/11/08 | " |
12 | 1/1/2005 | 8 | 1/05 | 2/07 | 31/3/10 | G.O.(P)120/07/Fin Dt.20/3/07 and G.O.(P) No.531/07/Fin Dt.5/11/07 |
13 | 1/7/2005 | 12 | 7/05 | 8/07 | 30/9/10 | " |
14 | 1/1/2006 | 15 | 1/06 | 11/07 | 28/2/10 | " |
15 | 1/7/2006 | 20 | 7/06 | 1/08 | 28/2/11 | " |
16 | 1/1/2007 | 26 | 1/07 | 1/08 | 28/2/11 | G.O.(P)547/07 Fin Dt.14/11/07 |
17 | 1/7/2007 | 32 | 7/07 | 1/08 | 31/3/11 | G.O.(P)91/08/Fin Dt.16/2/08 |
18 | 1/1/2008 | 38 | 1/08 | 4/08 | 31/3/11 | G.O.(P)220/08/Fin Dt.22/5/08 |
19 | 1/7/2008 | 45 | 7/08 | 12/08 | 31/3/12 | G.O.(P)38/09/Fin Dt.17/1/09 |
20 | 1/1/2009 | 55 | 1/09 | 5/09 | 31/3/13 | G.O.(P)211/09/Fin Dt.2/6/09 |
21 | 1/7/2009 | 64 | 7/09 | 10/09 | 31/8/13 | G.O.(P)512/09/Fin Dt.18/11/09 |
22 | 1/1/2010 | 78(8) | 1/10 | 7/10 | 31/3/14 | G.O.(P)362/10/Fin Dt.3/7/10 |
23 | 1/7/2010 | 94(18) | 7/10 | 12/10 | 30/9/14 | G.O.(P)37/11/Fin Dt.18/1/11 |
24 | 1/1/11 | 106(24) | 1/11 | 3/11 | 31/3/15 | G.O.(P)180/2011/Fin Dt.11/4/11 |
25 | 1/7/2011 | 118(31%) | 7/11 | 10/11 | 30/9/2015 | G.O.(P)535/2011/Fin Dt.14/11/11 |

Government order on revision of pokkuvaravu fees of land
ReLIS Kerala Version 2.0 (Revenue Land Information System)
Popular Orders (2011) | Date | Subject |
GO(P)No.85/2011/Fin Dated 26/02/2011 and the erratum issued vide GO(P)No.143/2011/Fin Dated 30/03/2011 | Pay Revision Order 2009 | |
Statement of Fixation of Pay in the Revised Scale | ||
Form of option | ||
Anomaly Rectification Orders (2009) | ||
Application for Leave/ Leave surrender as per Rule 113, Part I KSRs | ||
GO(P)No.86/2011/Fin | 26/02/2011 | Pay Revision Order (Universities) |
Circular No.22/2011/Fin | 07/04/2011 | Directions issued to the Heads of Departments |
Circular instructions | Instructions issued by Accountant General | |
Circular No.13/2011/Fin | 11/02/2011 | Traveling Allowance of officials -Instructions |
GO(P)No.204/2011/Fin | 02/05/2011 | Employees on Daily wages-Rates enhanced |
Circular No.29/2011/Fin | 26/05/2011 | Instructions issued on Rectification of Anomalies |
GO(P) No.264/2011/Fin | 18/06/2011 | Enhancement of Daily Wages of Data Entry Operators Etc |
GO(P) No.210/2011/Fin | 06/05/2011 | Erratum to the Govt.Order on DA/DR |
GO(P)No.271/ 2011/ Fin | 27/06/2011 | Casual leave introduced to daily waged Employees and reemployed pensioners |
GO(P) No.333/2011/Fin | 06/08/2011 | Special Casual Leave to the physically and mentally Challenged |
GO(P) No.334 /2011/Fin | 06/08/2011 | Special Casual leave to undergo Chemotherapy/Radiation/Kidney Transplantation-Guidelines |
GO(P)No.326/2011/Fin | 02/08/2011 | Family pension to parents &Unmarried daughters-Income limit enhanced |
GO(P) No.330/2011/Fin | 03/08/2011 | Daily wages of HR/CLR workers in PWD & Water Resources Department |
GO(P)No343/2011/Fin | 11/08/2011 | Inter University transfers-Reckoning prior service for pension |
GO(P)No.364/2011/Fin | 25/08/2011 | Arrears of Dearness Allowance-Crediting to PF Accounts-Time Limit Extended |
GO(P)No.378/2011/Fin | 02/09/2011 | Special Festival Allowance to Part time Contingent Family pensioners Sanctioned |
GO(Ms) No.347/2011 /Fin | 17/08/2011 | Cabinet Sub-Committee on raising of Retirement age and Right to Service Act |
Circular No.52/GMC2/2011/Fin | 09/08/2011 | Loans and Advances- Monitoring of recovery: Instructions issued |
GO(P)No.342/2011/Fin | 11/08/2011 | KSR-Grant of-Paternity Leave to serving male employees-Guidelines |
GO(P) No.345/ 2011/ Fin | 12/08/2011 | Pension/Family Pension of University Employees-Revised |
GO(P) No.6345 /2011/Fin | 16/08/2011 | Ramzan & Onam; Early Disbursement of Pay and Allowances |
GO(P) No. 370 / 2011/Fin | 27/08/2011 | Ad hoc Bonus/Special Festival Allowance 2011 to Govt.Employees/ Pensioners-Sanctioned |
GO(P)No.371/2011/Fin | 27/08/2011 | Onam Advance to Govt.Employees sanctioned |
G.O(Ms)No.373/2011/ Fin | 27/08/2011 | Onam Advance to Part Time Contingent Employees Etc Sanctioned |
GO(P)No.372/2011/ Fin | 27/08/2011 | Ad hoc Bonus/Special Festival Allowance to Part Time Contingent Employees-Modified |
| 01/09/2011 | Public Sector Undertakings-Special Festival Allowance |
GO(P) No.379/2011/Fin | 02/09/2011 | Delegation of Financial Powers to Executive/Supt./ Chief Engineers- Modified |
GO(P)No.380/2011/Fin | 02/09/2011 | Special Allowance to Physically Challenged Employees of Public Sector Undertakings-Revised |
GO(P)No.381/2011/ Fin | 06/09/2011 | Group Insurance Scheme- Rate of Subscription Revised |
Circular No.57/2011/ Fin | 07/09/2011 | House Building Advance-Seniority List and Eligibility List- Published |
Circular No.58/2011/Fin | 07/09/2011. | Recovering Charges imposed by the Director, LFAD-Procedures to be followed |
Circular No.59/ 2011/Fin | 07/09/2011. | Audit under Local Fund Act; Procedures to be followed in the Audit |
GO(P)No.389/2011/Fin | 15/09/2011 | Pension Revision of pre 01/07/2009 pensioners; Clarifications issued |
GO(P)No.404/2011/ Fin | 24/09/2011 | Special Conveyance Allowance-Admissibility during Special Casual Leave |
GO(P)No. 402/2011/Fin | 23/09/2011 | Disbursement of Personal Entitlements of Employees through Banks |
GO(Ms) No 396/2011/(156)/Fin | 22-09-2011 | Revision of Scale of Pay-Private Homoeopathic Medical Colleges under Direct Payment Scheme-Teaching Staff-Date of Effect Modified |
GO(P)No. 405/2011/Fin | 26/09/2011. | Part-Time Contingent Employees- Pension and related benefits-Revised |
GO(P)No.407/2011/Fin | 26/09/2011. | Kerala Service Rules Monetary Limits Revised |
GO(Ms)No.414/2011/Fin | 01/10/2011 | Unification of Date of Superannuation-Review-Cabinet Sub-Committee Constituted |
GO(P)No.413 /2011/(15)/Fin | 01/10/2011. | Pay Revision 2009 Re-option permitted |
GO(P)No.412/2011/Fin | 30/09/2011. | Appointment and regularisation of Casual Sweepers in PSUs/Boards/ Autonomous Institutions-Guidelines |
GO(P)No.419/2011/ Fin | 04/10/2011 | Drawal/Refund of Temporary Advance-Levy of Interest |
GO(P)No 454/2011/Fin | 19/10/2011 | KSR-Combination of Appointments-Payment of Special Allowance |
GO(P) No.450 /2011/Fin | 18/10/2011 | General Provident Fund(Kerala)Rules; Withdrawal from the Fund |
GO(P)No.478/2011 /Fin | 24/10/2011 | Eligibility for Family pension to parents and unmarried daughters above 25 years-Orders Modified |
GO(P)No.495/2011/Fin | 31/10/2011 | Part-time Contingent Employees- Revision of pension-clarification |
GO(P)No.504/2011/ Fin | 04/11/2011 | Group Personal Accident Insurance Scheme for 2012 |
Circular No.77/2011/Fin | 02/11/2011 | Disbursement of pensionary benefits on the date of retirement; Instructions issued |
GO(P) No.450 /2011/Fin | 18/10/2011 | General Provident Fund(Kerala)Rules; Withdrawal from the Fund |
GO(P)No 454/2011/Fin | 19/10/2011 | KSR-Combination of Appointments-Payment of Special Allowance |
GO(Rt)No.7280/11/Fin | 30/09/2011. | Disbursement of Journalists' pension through TSB; Sanction to open Account |
Circular No.84/2011/Fin | 02/12/2011 | HBA-Combined State wise Eligibility List 2011-12; Second batch-Published |
GO(P) No.594 /2011/Fin | 13/12/ 2011. | Settlement of Pensionary claims in man missing cases-Orders Modified |
GO(P)No.593/2011/Fin | 13/12/ 2011. | Early disbursement of Pay and Allowances & Pension in connection with Christmas |
GO(Ms)No.417/2011/Fin | 03/10/2011 | Disbursement of Allowance/ Bonus through TSB to the Agents of National Savings Scheme |
Circular No 75/2011/Fin | 29/10/2011 | Income Tax Deduction from Salaries during the Financial year 2011-12 |
Circular No.91085/SS2/2011/Fin | 20/12/2011 | Online filing of statement on property - Guidelines issued |
Circular No.86/2011/Fin | 12/12/2011 | Child Care Allowance to Women employees-Details called for |
GO(P)No.592/ 2011/ Fin | 12/12/2011. | Group Insurance Scheme - Procedure for accounting the transactions |
GO(P)No.593/2011/Fin Dated | 13/12/ 2011. | Early release of pay and allowances and pension in connection with Christmas |
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